Dichroic- Yellow Green/Magenta- Florentine- On Clear-2mm
Dichromagic - COE 90
Coating by Dichromagic
Dichromagic coatings are formulated to withstand fusing and hot glass temperatures and are therefore ideal for fused jewellery, bowls and objects, lamp worked beads etc. But they also work well in stained glass and architectural applications. Colour shifts of dichroic glass may occur during firing. Tests firings are recommended.
Note: Compatible with all COE 90 Glass
Data sheet
- Dichroic COE
- Bullseye - COE 90
- Dichroic Base Glass
- On Clear
- Dichroic Colours
- MR - Yellow Green / Magenta
- Dichroic Glass Style
- Florentine
- Glass Thickness
- 2mm
5327 1.150000